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  • Brett's Discernment

    For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and . . . and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.

    Amazed at the grace

    It's amazing how much we can change and grow as people.
    Today was the LSA service at St. Stephen, and so I went down to the burg. During the service I was thinking about many things.
    First, how that when I came to college I felt that being a churchgoer was a part of my identity, and that I had faith, but it was vague, undefined, and unknowing of how much I could learn about myself through exploring my relationship with my Savior. Had I not come to LSA and St. Stephen my freshman year, I don't know that I could've had that nourishment of faith which I enjoyed through my college years. I didn't have the relationship with God which I have now, not even close. I didn't know how to pray, I didn't know how to relate to other people on the level of being their sibling in Christ. And now I do. . . well, I'm learning.
    LSA and the community there is so much of who I am, how I grew, how I grew confident and learned about my faith. I miss it a lot. I feel satisfied with my church here, but the family is not there, LSA. Maybe I should've taken the job at Walsingham and stayed in Williamsburg. I could've kept that church home and spiritual family at St. Stephen which was so supportive. But everyone has to move on at some point, and I didn't want to appear as someone to clings to the college support system and doesn't move forward. But there I go again, with appearances - who am I trying to please? God first, definitely. Is it people second and me third? (and hence should I keep my teaching obligations for another year), or is it me second and people third? (which I don't think is theologically supported at all, but is teaching then and the obligation "just a job?" and I should make myself happy first and "look out for myself"?)
    I must remember the Galatians verse:
    Am I now seeking human approval, or God’s approval? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still pleasing people, I would not be a servant* of Christ.

    I know I have posted that before but I think it is a critical one for me personally in my discernment.
    Things are in God's hands now. Whether I will be called to PA or will stay in VA for one more year to head toward seminary sooner, I pray that he will look out for and lead this decision as he sees best in his will.

    I am really glad to see that LSA has become more Christ centered, and I am sorry that my leadership couldn't get there. Scott has done a fabulous job along with the other leaders and consistent members of LSA. I wish I could do something for him which would be really meaningful for him.

    More Music:

    Every Move I make

    You are so good to me
    Both above are great songs LSA used in their service today.

    We are hungry

    All in All

    The most meaningful thing that happened to me today was that this woman came up to me at St. Stephen (and I am really sorry that I don't recall her name, but I don't think I ever knew it), and she said that she "doesn't pray for patience anymore" because of my sermon that I gave last year there, and that she thinks of my sermon often and that it really meant a lot to her. I was so touched by this, and it was one of the most recent times I can remember that I was really selflessly happy - that I had meant something to this woman's faith walk, and that she thought of it, and it wasn't about me, and I want to do this for life.

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