• My Candidacy Application Essay
  • Brett's Discernment

    For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and . . . and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.

    and that's the way I like it

    I really need to get on the ball and visit some seminaries . . . Or at least plan out when I am going to be "sick" from work and go visit. I feel bad lying about that but I really am left no choice as we only have 2 personal days and are really limited on how we can use them, and have to be approved for them...
    Surprisingly enough, vocations conference turned me back on to the idea of either Southern or Gettysburg. I was surprised. So now, I think I might try to narrow it down to three and just apply to those. I really need to go visit to make sure which three, I know. It is hard because I don't want $ to influence my decision, but I would like much more to go somewhere which may offer me a scholarship. I am pretty serious about really wanting a full scholarship - that would be amazing - so I am going to be really committed to working toward that and finding other monies.

    In my excitement about Cosby, I thought that I would actually start doing some school stuff. But with backpacking and trying to tie up loose ends before the summer is over, it doesn't look like it's happening.

    I am really nerdily excited about everything about seminary - learning, field experiences, etc.
    I pray that my parents will come to a better understanding of the "why" of my call . . . I know the logistics and all the steps are hard for them to understand. . .

    My dad and I just got back from hiking Cold Mountain in Amherst County, VA. (Some maps refer to it as Cole Mtn) It was amazing. It was the best hike I have ever taken in VA definitely, and as far as my memory goes back, my favorite hike ever - and that includes a great # of hikes in the rocky mtns. The campsite we stayed in was, as the directions correctly stated "one of the most beautiful campsites in the Blue Ridge." AMAZING! The saddle and summit of Cold Mountain had 360 views, which from the surrounding topography and gorgeous views, made you feel like you were in the highlands of Switzerland. We also did Mount Pleasant first actually, in a figure-8 double loop with a one-night backpacking stay, which all in all turned out to be at least 13.something miles when all told. But worth it. I will have to post some pics here when I get them from my dad. It was freezing at night though, and I am pretty beat up from the hike.
    and that's the way I like it. :)

    This is one of my favorite songs for worship, father I adore you

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