• My Candidacy Application Essay
  • Brett's Discernment

    For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and . . . and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.

    My life flows on in endless song. . .

    And it all becomes more real . . .

    It is exciting, moving toward what I finally feel is my true vocation, to be taking those steps.
    I am really excited and just feel blessed by the gifts for ministry I am given and blessed for the challenges, though I know some will seem daunting, that I will be presented with in the coming years.

    I am also blessed with the ministry of teaching I am able to do in the next year. Today I saw Cosby (the brand new high school I'll be teaching at) for the first time. And my beautiful, beautiful classroom. I mean, a classroom is a classroom, I know, but when you are used to teaching @ two schools and in a miserably deteriorated trailer, it's so exciting. It's nice to be on a staff which as to now has this atmosphere of joy to be at this new school. I realized today how much I will be also happy to see my students! Especially my favorites :) and I know teachers aren't supposed to have favorites, but whatever, we all do . . . Though, I do love all my students for their complexity.

    This month so far has been like one deep breath, preparing and looking ahead. Everything has materialized (literally, in the case of Cosby), and is becoming more real. Vocations conference was amazing, and I met and reconnected with some amazing people. It had slipped to the back of my mind how God can put people in your lives in such a grace-powered way. I can't write all about vocations here now, I am tired. But I do need to make a longer post about it at some point. The committee all seemed very nice, and I felt very happy to speak with them. I need to get on sending my check and getting in touch with my contact for my interview and psychologicals. One particular experience at vocations reminded me so much of God's love and that I am not alone in my call, in my feelings, in my perspective.

    I realized that like, with everything, this year of teaching will not be dull, even though I know my curricula and most of my students already. Not that I ever thought it would be dull, maybe just lackluster and so much more routine than that over-talked-about "first year" of teaching. I guess that's how people get hooked. . .
    I won't.
    Not that I don't love teaching.
    I am called to ministry in the church...
    it's a me and God thing.

    So I guess I do need to tell my co-workers pretty soon. . . sigh. . . that will be a hard day. And yet it will make it all the more real, which will be yet another forward step. (Step by step you'll lead me, and I will follow you all of my days)

    My life flows on in endless song,
    above earth's lamentation.
    I hear the clear, though faroff hymn
    that hails a new creation.
    No storm can shake my inmost calm
    while to that Rock I'm clinging.
    Since love is Lord of heaven and earth,
    how can I keep from singing?
    And that's the way I like it
    that's the way I like it

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