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  • Brett's Discernment

    For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and . . . and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.

    prayer concerns

    In an effort to make my prayer more a part of my life. . .

    Lord I lift up in prayer:

    Tricia for healing and patience, Jeff and their son as well for patience and to feel your love.
    Pastors everywhere, especially Pastors Bohannon, Ballentine, and Mauney for strength in the work they do.
    Dave Delaney, Chip, and the Kairos planning group for wisdom
    Lori and Brenda in her decision-making and leadership at Cosby
    My dad in his retirement, that he may have rest but also enjoy and let it sink in these past few days of work
    my mom in dealing with him
    Taylor that he may grow and know you and come closer to the Lord and the Church
    the members of CTK Monday night bible study
    Len's family
    Mary and Katie's trip to Ireland, and Mary's continuous career discernment
    Memere, for strength and health
    Denise for patience and strength
    it is really hard to pray for this, but I pray for Matt and Suzanne
    Maria Webb
    Sam and Ben
    CFLC & its summer staff
    Bear Creek and its staff

    In Jesus' name . . . .


    I pray for my students daily, and I feel like it's a really healthy thing and something that I'm proud of. Praying even if only briefly or silently before every class helps me recenter, not take things personally. So I pray for my students. Every one. Especially Jordan in his healing, Miranda, because she is AMAZING! (no, teachers don't have favorites!), Derek that he may see you and calm down, and all my seniors that they may go away from CH knowing who they are and hopefully a kernel of who the Lord is.

    I sometimes feel like "amen" is dumb, because although it's cliche, we never, we can't, "hang up" on God - He always hears. So my goals are to be more open with myself about my sin and also make my life more like a meditative prayer, working in habits to become more and more connected with a mindfulness of Christ and my call as a Christian.

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