• My Candidacy Application Essay
  • Brett's Discernment

    For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and . . . and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.

    Pasted post

    from TGTB. I was proud of my ability to make this post

    I'm only 9 months out and I still have really bad days sometimes. I broke it off and I still think it was a mistake to break it off, but I am coming to terms with that decision and positive things that have come out of it:

    - Gotten through my first year of teaching all on my own

    - Realized dating is fun, even though the two guys I have seen are definitely not anything for the long-term, I'm not ready for anything serious but flirting is fun again

    Become completely financially independent

    Applied for a job in a field I always wanted to go in and wouldn't have had a chance to had I stayed w/my exfi. I'm in the final 3 applicants for this job, and I'm excited at the prospects.

    Found a new church, a new group of friends though work, and gotten closer to my family and some friends

    Gotten closer to God and reprioritized my life.

    Lost almost 10 pounds now and have a different look from when I was with my exfi.

    I am 22 and I have a lot more life to live past my exfi, even if I made the wrong decision or sometimes have bad days, I have matured like never before and learned so much about myself. And I like it.

    Today Erin and Marcia both resigned from work. I feel slightly less pressure for my possible upcoming decision, but the thing is I would be going to Dr. Mayo and not Dr. Marks, who was very supportive. hmmm we'll see. I feel like if I don't offered at BCC, it won't feel like a rejection, but God having his hands in who is the best person for the position and showing me how my life will go.

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